DataTables - Custom Filters (Custom Titles)

Filter Source Code

<div class="well padding-before-3 padding-after-3 form-group">
  <h3>Filter by</h3>
  <div class="row padding-bottom-1">
    <div class="select-menu" data-datatables-filter='{
      "target": "fellowshipsmall",
      "column": 0,
      "title": "Character"
  <div class="row padding-bottom-1">
    <div class="select-menu" data-datatables-filter='{
      "target": "fellowshipsmall",
      "column": 1,
      "title": "Group"
  <div class="row padding-bottom-1">
    <div class="select-menu" data-datatables-filter='{
      "target": "fellowshipsmall",
      "column": 2
  <div class="row padding-bottom-1">
    <div class="select-menu" data-datatables-filter='{
      "target": "fellowshipsmall",
      "column": 3
  <div class="row padding-bottom-1">
    <div class="select-menu" data-datatables-filter='{
      "target": "fellowshipsmall",
      "column": 4,
      "title": "Animal Companion"
  <div class="row padding-bottom-1 text-center">
    <a href="#" data-datatables-filter-reset='{
      "target": "fellowshipsmall"

Table Source Code

<table class="table responsive table-condensed table-bordered" data-datatables-options='{
  "searching": true,
  "dom": t
}' data-datatables-name="fellowshipsmall">

The filters shown below use the default select styling. The first, second, and fifth filters use a custom title.

The table shown below uses the classes table-condensed and table-bordered.

Name Affiliation Race Weapon Steed
Bilbo Baggins Thorin and Company Hobbit Sting
Merriadoc Brandybuck Fellowship of the Ring Hobbit Dagger of Westernesse Stybba
Gandalf Istari (Wizards), White Council, Thorin and Company, Fellowship of the Ring Maia Staff, Glamdring, Narya Shadowfax
Frodo Baggins Fellowship of the Ring Hobbit Sting Strider
Peregrin Took Fellowship of the Ring Hobbit Dagger of Westernesse
Aragorn Fellowship of the Ring Arnorian Andúril Roheryn and Hasufel
Boromir Fellowship of the Ring Gondorian Sword
Samwise Gamgee Fellowship of the Ring Hobbit Dagger of Westernesse, Sting Bill
Legolas Fellowship of the Ring Sinda Bow and long white knife

Filter by